
Welcome to Towerpy’s documentation!#

Towerpy is an open-source toolbox for processing polarimetric weather radar data.

Check out the Installation section for further information about how to install Towerpy.


This project is under development.


If you find towerpy useful for a scientific publication, please consider citing the Towerpy paper:

    @article{sanchezrivas2023, title = {{Towerpy: An open-source toolbox for processing polarimetric weather radar data}},
    journal = {Environmental Modelling & Software}, pages= {105746}, year = {2023}, issn = {1364-8152},
    doi = {}, author = {Daniel Sanchez-Rivas and Miguel Angel Rico-Ramirez},
    keywords = {Weather radar, Polarimetry, Radar QPE, Radar research applications, Open source}}


Thank you for investing your time in contributing to our project!

Feel free to post a message to our discussions page or have a look at our contribution guidelines to find out about our coding standards.


Towerpy is created and maintained by Daniel Sanchez-Rivas and Miguel A Rico-Ramirez